Kick open the door to your full creative potential. Our friends and partners at PBR have committed $25,000 to support rising creators of all multidisciplinary fields. Apply now to the Open Door Grant Program contest for an opportunity to be awarded $5,000 to take your new or existing projects to the next level.


Whether you’re a photographer, sculpter, painter, drawer, muralist, musician, filmmaker, digital artist, or something else entirely, we want to maximize your creative impact.

Applications are open now through Friday, April 2. PBR are partnering with Michael Cobarrubia, past Radio Juxtapoz guest Steven Irby, Eric Veloso / Street Dreams Mag  and September Gray on the selection process.

All applicants must be 21 or older, and reside in Washington, California, Texas, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, Rhode Island, Colorado, or Oregon. Submissions can apply to new or existing projects that have not yet been published. Rules? Yes, please review the rules & regulations for full details on how to submit.