Before a caterpillar emerges from a cocoon, there are speed bumps before they sprout wings, let alone fly. The fall-out from Covid 19 has resulted in economic turbulence that has impacted the job sector, and the artists, who ignite our souls and color our landscape, are no exception. How do they begin to emerge in their field without money for rent and supplies, without fairs and galleries to show their work? Showcasing the talent of burgeoning artists is the lifeblood of Juxtapoz, and we have committed to creating access to places to make art and show it. As well as facilitating a market to sell prints, our web feature Art in Uncertain Times has been a venue where they can tell stories about overcoming obstacles in order to pursue their passion project of a career that never promised paid time off or health care. Of course, we can’t do this alone.
One of our strongest, longtime partners is Pabst Blue Ribbon, a pioneer among businesses that support artists, accessing creative projects particularly for emerging artists. Experiencing delays with their own art programs due to COVID, and complicated by the fires in California, they have created Blue Ribbon Studios in downtown Los Angeles, which they describe as a “series of initiatives aimed at supporting artists through a program of artist residencies, virtual art shows and an ambitious commission plan engaging hundreds of artists around the country.” This direct assistance will continue the tremendous momentum emerging art has achieved over the past few years, affording countless opportunities through shows, commercial projects and newly-formed residencies, all provided through Blue Ribbon Studios!
“Providing local artists with a large gallery space, ample time, and a budget to create, the residency program will commission artist collectives and give them the opportunity of keeping 100% of the art sales from their shows,” Andrew Heard, Brand Manager of Culture for Pabst Blue Ribbon, told us. “The artists, along with BRS, will create additional forms of revenue for local charities and organizations that support the art community in Los Angeles.”
The upcoming program at BRS will see the launch of a group show slated to go live via an online auction in November featuring around 50 commissioned artists from all over the US. Coast to Coast will be an online show accessible to anyone, with 100% of the art sales generated to benefit Inner-City Arts, an organization whose mission is to engage young people in the creative process in order to foster a society of creativity, confidence and collaboration.
“The launch of Blue Ribbon Studios will allow us to continue our mission to help curate, support, and provide a platform for the next generation of artists,” Heard says. “Our goal is to showcase and build our brand by supporting artists that reflect the culture of Pabst Blue Ribbon.”