"Yeah, I had a few group shows and projects lined up for the spring and summer, but everything seems to be up in the air right now," Anna Weyant wrote in a recent email, as we decided to update her studio visit feature.
I visited several NYC studios earlier in January, lots of hallway hideouts, sandwiched between other creatives blasting music or operating noisy machines. Anna's had a kind of mood altering ambience, more atelier than workshop. Located in the Upper East Side, her apartment/studio felt like a peaceful, intimate respite from the surrounding bustle, a tidy and peaceful nook for her delicate and porcelain-polished renderings. And perfect for a long chat. Anna showed me her new works, describing the ups and downs of the girls she paints, clearly inspired by the Dutch Masters, and currently, John Currin. As she excitedly listed upcoming shows lined up in Hong Kong and stateside, we planned a Fall studio visit revolving around those openings—that were postponed. \
But that was then, and this is Canada, where now she’s back at her family home, making the best of the late winter and graciously ready to continue our conversation.
"I left New York a few weeks ago and am staying with my parents in Calgary, Alberta. I will not be able to return to New York for some time, so I’ve set up a temporary studio here. (As you can see, I am conveniently located next to a minibar ;).
"I didn’t really bring supplies because I left in such a hurry, but I was able to pick up a few things here before the stores closed. I also gathered together some stuff from around for the house. For example, I’m using one of my mom’s serving platters as a pallet and found the easel in the basement.
"I’m spending my days isolated—baking, drawing and painting, and running along the river. It's cold and snowy here, which I love."
NYC studio photos and text compiled by Sasha Bogojev