There is a beauty in the fact that Danielle Mckinney's work feels universal, timeless. Of all the cover stories we have run in the past 5 years, so many come back to hers; it seems to have matured with age, an understanding of how big moments feel even when they are just so quiet and personal, so individual and yet you have faith others feel it, too. A lot has changed for Mckinney since 2021; she's a new mother, she is internationally renowned and exhibited, and now she is having her largest solo exhibition in Northern Europe at the newly opened Kunsthal n in Copenhagen, and a beautifully named show it is: about a moment – in a moment. That is the best description of these works I have ever read: about and in. We think about time and these moments that we reflect upon that aren't the complete picture of ourselves but the editing of memory, and sometimes, the most quiet and alone moments are the ones that define our true self. I love that Mckinney has embraced such privacy in that we can all share what it is to find ourselves. —Evan Pricco