Home is a presentation of new works created by BIJIJOO over the past year, during a time of transition for the artist which included a move to a different city on the other side of the US. The work has an otherworldly bent and incorporates combinations of chaotic organic figuration surrounded by structure and pattern meticulously crafted around the figures.

BIJIJOO's paintings result from process-driven experimentation with painting media and automatic drawing, using traditional and digital techniques. He builds mixed media layers to amplify interplays of light, color, and texture. Images are conjured from chaos, in a process akin to divination. The forms that take shape trend toward human and animal: grotesque exaggerations of life, monstrous cartoons, vanitas. Narratives emerge through these interactions, reflecting struggle, celebration, and introspection. The results depict experiences, interactions, and movements frozen in a personal space and time.

In this body of work, the artist embarks on a search for what it means to be home, navigating relationships, questioning security, love, family and place. The works presented capture the culmination of this highly productive time for the artist and also reflect new beginnings combined with melancholy, nostalgia, and hope for the future.
