Takashi Murakami's massive retrospective, The Octopus Eats Its Own Leg, moves from MCA Chicago to the Vancouver Art Gallery in Vancouver, BC, marking the Japanese artists first career retrospective in Canada. The show will run from February 3 – May 6, 2018, but we have a little sneak peek of the work today. 

You may remember, Takashi Murakami and our editor, Evan Pricco, curated Juxtapoz x Superflat at the Vancover Art Gallery in late 2016. Now, Juxtapoz will be back up in Vancouver for the opening of Murakami's new museum show, featuring over 55 paintings and sculptures, with new inclusions not featured in the Chicago presentation. When we talked to Murakami last year prior to the first installment of the Octopus show, he told us, “I have no feeling of pride. That's why I chose this title. I am actually embarrassed by my artistic expressions.” The show presents an in-depth look at Murakami's works from the 1980s to the present, from his early works as an art student to his ambitious sculptural work of recent years. 

There will be a special event, Murakami's Birthday Bash, at the museum on February 2nd. You can purchase tickets here. 

We will have full installation views and review next week on the site!