Charlie James Gallery is pleased to present Provócame, a group exhibition curated by Los Angeles artist Ever Velasquez. The show invites artists from across the U.S., Puerto Rico, Albania and Mexico to an exhibition organized as a love letter to an idealized home  – one both real and imagined, archival and ancestral – about the impact of displacement on their cities’ empowerment, embodiment, and resilience. While essentially a ‘love letter’, Provócame is simultaneously a bittersweet Dear John, encompassing the loss that lives inside any change, however small. These artists channel the passion and grit necessary to overcome day to day struggles inflicted on their communities while celebrating the beauty that flourishes and survives within.

Exhibiting Artists: Zoe Alameda, Felipe Baeza, Lars Bergquist, Autumn Breon, Melissa Calderón, Alejandro Cartagena, Chloe Chiasson, Ashley Cole, Emilia Cruz, Danielle De Jesus, Lisa Edelstein Uber Lopez Enamorado, rafa esparza, Victor Estrada, Elsa Flores, Maya Fuji, Roberto Gil de Montes, Lexis Victoria Gomez, Tanya Haden, Hannah Huntley, Saj Issa, Andrés Janacua, Patrick Martinez, Alan Mendez, Ade Ogunmowo, Willbert Olivar & Lalo Avila, Mariana Ramos Ortiz, Angel Perdomo, Vincent Ramos, John Rivas, Abel Rodriguez, Irgin Sena, Kim Sweet, Georgina Treviño and Sam Wohl