This feels quite special, as two giants of graffiti showcase together as their careers have become more and more refined and yet still with the edge of their youth. And rarely do we get to see the kids and the suits mingling together. Lehmann Maupin gave us a chance for that scene as they opened up OSGEMEOS' Cultivating Dreams and Barry McGee's Talk to Nature together in their Chelsea space. OSGEMEOS, in their way, have continually brought Subway Art and Wild Style to the contemporary art world, with the Brazilian twins anchoring street culture's rise into a more refined circle of art patrons (their Hirshhorn show later this Fall will be a huge moment). Barry McGee, on the other hand, is master at controlling chaos. He has defied the logic that a gallery show shouldn't bleed itself into the street, that paintings needs to have a set shape and installations a certain form. As a lifelong San Franciscian, his work is an embodiment of a city in flux, a city in conversation with itself, overlapping with cultures and economies and energies. Don't miss this. —Evan Pricco